Spotify redesigns its home screen for music and podcasts

Spotify has revealed a fresh look for the mobile app’s home screen. The new home screen will feature various categories for podcasts and music, the company claims, and will aid users in finding fresh content they potentially love. Users will find it simpler to discover new content recommendations and even revisit recent favorites thanks to the incoming update.

Spotify’s mobile app’s redesigned home page may be divided into two groups, such as Music and Podcasts & Shows.

The Music feed: As its name implies, gives easy access to recommendations for songs, albums, and playlists based on the users’ musical preferences. The updated suggestions, according to Spotify, will make “discovering new favourite easier than ever.” The update also includes new buttons that allow users to like, share, and play the music in a snap.

Podcast & Shows feed: The new episodes of the shows the user follows will be highlighted. Naturally, this stream will also provide recommendations for new podcasts based on the ones users have recently been listening to. Without ever leaving that website, listeners can read episode summaries, add a podcast to their library, and begin listening to a podcast.

Additionally, the company claims that an impending update to Home will provide consumers access to fantastic material they’ll adore, including podcasts with provocative themes and new musicians, in addition to tried-and-true playlists. Also, Spotify has added play and shuffle buttons to its app that only Premium customers can use.


Now, Android users are starting to receive Spotify’s new home screen update. In a few weeks, iOS users will be able to get the feature as well.

According to the blog post by Spotify,

By creating these feeds, Spotify will help listeners to easily scroll through the type of content they’re looking for at that moment. The updated interface will make the experience more personalized while allowing users to dig even deeper into their recommendations.

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