Unknown futuristic Nokia Phone featured in Real Steel Trailer?

Well well, look what I’ve just found! While watching the latest Trailer for “Real Steel“, a geeky Sci-Fi Robot fight movie, there’s Hugh Jackman tapping on his phone to end a call, which turns out to be an unknown(?), futuristic looking Nokia phone. It sure does look a bit like a N8/E7, with the plastic caps on top and bottom, with a transparent middle part. Of course phones will always be transformed a bit to fit into movie styles, but hey, it’s all fun, so why not show it to you?

Check at 00:16 into this Trailer!

Michael Hell: Michael Hell, certified geek, mobile jedi, amateur photographer, music addict. Down to earth and always up for new challenges. Also blogging on www.michaelxhell.com, which is my private blog for things like Photography and personal things :) Feel free to add me on http://twitter.com/michaelxhell or http://www.facebook.com/michaelxhell
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