Apple introduced the iPhone 14 series earlier this week. It will be available to order from today, and goes on sale in several countries, including India from September 16th. The phone that will be sold will not be made in India, but the company is looking to start making it in the country in 2 to 3 months, which is within Q4 2022, according to the latest ET report.
The report adds hat Apple is looking to ship the made-in-India units by December. This coincides with an earlier report from Bloomberg that said that the company has been collaborating with suppliers to increase manufacturing in India and reduce the customary six to nine-month production delay for new iPhone launches.
The iPhone 14 is said to be produced at the Foxconn plant near Chennai, same as the iPhone 13. According to reports, Apple is looking to ship a record 570,000 iPhone units in Q4 2022, compared with 370,000 units during the same period last year.
Apple is expected to make 11-12 million iPhones in 2022 through its three contract manufacturers Foxconn (Hon Hai), Wistron, and Pegatron in India, up from 7.5 million in 2021. Apple’s India plants will contribute 5 to 7% of global shipments in 2022, up from 3% in 2021. It will also meet 85% of the local demand in 2022, says the report.
In 2022, India sales for iPhone could reach 7 to 7.5 million units, up from 5 million in 2021, according to CMR and Counterpoint Research.