POCO launched the POCO F4 smartphone in India in June starting at Rs. 27999. At the launch, the phone was available for Rs. 23,999 with instant discount and bank offer for a limited period with bank discounts. Today, the company has detailed on how you can get the phone for Rs. 19,999 as a part of upcoming Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale.
This includes the standard discount of Rs. 4500 during the sale and Rs. 1500 bank offer. You get a total discount of Rs. 6,000.
Get the POCO F4 at a special festival offer starting INR 21,999
- 6GB+128GB: Rs. 23,499 plus ICICI/Axis Bank cashback of Rs. 1500; effective price Rs. 21,999
- 8GB+128GB: Rs. 25,499 plus ICICI/Axis Bank cashback of Rs. 1500; effective price Rs. 23,999
- 12GB+256GB: Rs. 29,499 plus ICICI/Axis Bank cashback of Rs. 1500; effective price Rs. 27999
Additionally, buyers can also get a Rs. 2000 additional discount on exchange.
This offer will be available during ‘The Big Billion Days’ from September 23 till September 30, with 24-hour early access for the Plus customers. Check out our POCO F4 Review, if you are planning to get the phone.