OPPO launched the Reno8 Pro 5G smartphone in India back in July. Now the company has started teasing the launch of Reno8 Pro 5G House of the Dragon Limited Edition phone that will come in a set. The teaser shows the phone in Black colour with a logo on the back.
It also comes in a separate box, so we can expect more products in the box along with the phone. We should know more details in the coming before it goes official sometime later this month.
In a tweet, teasing the special edition phone, the company said:
To commemorate your allegiance, House of the Dragon x OPPO is proud to bestow upon you…
The Reno8 Pro. The keeper of your secrets, and stoker of the fires that burn within you. Unlock it with the dragon pin.
Honour your allegiance to House Targaryen and rise to the skies like the dragons on which the realm is ruled.