Samsung India has announced that the Voice Focus feature will be available on select A-series smartphones as part of the One UI 5 software update. This new feature will allow for voice enhancement during calls, resulting in clear audio on both the caller and listener ends.
When enabled, the feature filters out background noise, allowing the listener to clearly hear the voice from the other end, even if the caller is in a noisy environment.
This feature was previously introduced by Samsung in the Galaxy F23 5G, which was announced in March, and it is also available in Galaxy M33 5G and Galaxy M53 5G, which were launched in April.
The best part is that this Voice Focus feature works in video calls as well, on WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Zoom.
This feature will be available on select Galaxy A series smartphones, including the Galaxy A33 5G, Galaxy A53 5G, and Galaxy A73 5G with the One UI 5 update. According to the One UI 5 rollout schedule, these smartphones have already started rolling out for these phones this November.