WhatsApp beta brings Search for messages by date, Android tablet support, and companion mode to iOS

Following the release of the “Message Yourself” feature, which is a 1:1 chat feature with yourself that allows you to send notes, reminders, and updates as needed. WhatsApp is now rolling out new features to beta testers across Android and iOS.

Search for messages by date

This feature will make it easy for users to navigate to a certain date within a chat. The shared screenshot reveals that you could utilize the search option within a conversation: if a calendar icon appears, it indicates that the capability is enabled for your WhatsApp account.

Users can jump to a date to see which messages have been exchanged inside a particular conversation, and you can also jump to the initial message. Note that if the calendar icon does not display, it will be made available to more users at a later date.

WhatsApp for tablet – banner

The WhatsApp beta for Android is rolling out an update on the Play Store, and some beta testers are seeing the “WhatsApp for Tablet” banner for the tablet-compatible version.

The new banner appears as soon as you open WhatsApp following the update, informing you that a tablet-compatible version is available for beta testers on the Play Store. Through the “learn more” link in the banner, which leads to the presentation sheet, you can get more information.

Android companion device

A companion feature is added to WhatsApp beta for iOS, version Previously, WhatsApp announced the companion mode for Android beta, allowing users to access their existing WhatsApp account on a second Android device.

Even though it was possible to link an iOS account to an Android device after installing the most recent beta update of WhatsApp for Android, the Android device was not recognized in the iOS linked devices section.

Finally, WhatsApp extended the list of possible associated devices on the most recent beta version of WhatsApp for iOS, allowing Android devices to be recognized.

Regarding the availability of WhatsApp for tablets, the banner and Android companion device on iOS, as well as search for messages by date, are now rolling out to beta users. Furthermore, WhatsApp is said to be working on editing messagesvoice status updates, WhatsApp Chat, and other new features.

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