The popular chat application Telegram has been updated with new features such as No SIM signup, auto-deleting all chats, Topics 2.0, and more. Earlier, the firm introduced a Telegram update that brings topics in groups, voice-to-text for video messages, and other new features as well. Let’s explore the newly added features to the messaging service that this version brings in more detail below.
Sign up without a SIM card
Telegram users can control who can see their phone number and whether others can find them by number. Today, privacy enters a new era, said Telegram, as users can use Fragment’s blockchain-powered anonymous numbers to access Telegram without a SIM card.
Auto-Delete All Chats
Set a global auto-delete timer for conversations and groups. New messages are erased after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, or a preset time.
Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete Messages now enables you to set up Auto-Delete for existing chats faster.
Ultimate Privacy
Telegram’s diverse combination of erasing messages for all participants without a trace and allowing you to regulate existing and future chats with auto-delete timers provides you complete control over your entire message history. It gives you the most privacy, especially when you use your account without a SIM card.
Topics 2.0
Today, topics are even more powerful with improved updates and navigation powered by Topics 2.0.
100+ members: Administrators of groups with 100 or more members can organize discussions into topics.
Navigation: Topics now have a two-column structure that makes current chats easy to find while browsing topics. Previews of topic messages in the chat list function as a button; click to go to the most recently updated topic.
Organization: The update includes A maximum of five topics can be pinned to the top of the list. Each topic now allows multiple pinned messages, and the View as Messages option now displays the topic to which each message belongs. Additionally, the badge counters for topics you’ve never opened will have a lighter, less obtrusive color.
General Topic: A new General topic is now added by default, which contains service messages as well as the group’s previous message history. Admins have the ability to rename the General topic.
Aggressive Anti-Spam for Groups
To remove more spam with automatic algorithms, large groups can enable aggressive filtering in Manage Group > Administrators. Admins aid in filtering improvement by reporting any false positives in Recent Actions.
Temporary QR codes
If you don’t have a username and want to keep your phone number hidden from everyone, you can now generate a temporary QR code. People who scan the code will be able to add you as a contact without knowing your phone number.
Emoji search on iOS
Telegram iOS users can now use Emoji search, which was previously available on Android, to find the perfect emoji, including those from custom packs.
Detailed Storage Usage and More on Android
Android’s Storage Usage page looks similar to iOS’s. It now indicates how much space each chat uses. Individual chats’ images, videos, audio, and files can now be filtered from your cache. Android developers also optimized the style of loading items like chat messages, profile images, and current locations.
New Custom Emoji
Artists at Telegram have made ten new sets of custom emoji, giving Premium users even more ways to show how they feel in messages, replies, and status updates.
More Interactive Emoji
Another Telegram update adds new interactive emoji and send a single 😇 🫡 🤝 🙈 🤗 ✍️ 😨 in any 1-on-1 chat. Many more are available as animated emoji, including flags, everyday objects like 📨📱🛒 and some that are more abstract 🔝🔞🦄.
The above-mentioned features are now available in the latest Telegram update, which has already started rolling out to users globally and which also updates the latest version of the app to Telegram for Android v9.2.0.