Everyone loves to get their hands on their favorite gadgets one day when they have enough money to afford it or you love it so much and sell out your kidney for it? Well, a teenager in China named Zheng is something more than huge fan of Apple iPad2 and he sold his kidney to buy it because he couldn’t afford it. He sold his kidney for an amount of 2000 pound sterling so he could buy an iPad2. Kidney is one of the most important organs of our body, and thousands of people die every year because of kidney failure. He actually sold his kidney to some underground organ traffickers who offered him huge amount of 20,000 yuan, and this amount is equal to $3,000 or £2,000. As the boy is young, he thought this is the best way to get money rapidly by selling one of his organs which is more important than he think. Now you would be wondering that where was his family when this all happened? Actually, Zheng did this without telling anyone, and when his mother found out that his boy had a dangerous surgery, he contacted the local police and complained. They are still searching the traffickers involved in this disturbing accident. Zheng is now feeling ill and his health is getting worse.
Well people, would you sell your kidney for your favorite gadget? I am sure you wouldn’t, but these types of accidents are happening everywhere nowadays especially with teenagers. I love iPad2, but what Zheng did is not love, its craziness. So young boys, watch out because organ traffickers are always targeting teenagers. Anyway, tell us what you think in the comment section below.