Totto launches ‘Cuddle’ AI & Human Assistant for Parenting on WhatsApp


Totto, a prominent tech firm, has introduced Cuddle – a revolutionary offering that blends Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human proficiency to provide incomparable assistance to expectant and new parents as they navigate through pregnancy and parenthood.

Totto – A Parenting Company with a Vision

Totto is a parenting company with a vision to enhance parenting by providing parents with the necessary support, awareness, and knowledge. Totto collaborates with parenting experts, doctors, and other professionals to achieve this objective.

Totto Parents App is the ultimate destination for thousands of parents who want to track their children’s development, receive activity suggestions to do with their children, and connect with experts to seek help.

Challenges Faced by Parents Every Day

Totto highlights that parents confront a wide spectrum of challenges every day, including pregnancy, baby care, breastfeeding, postpartum depression, body transformation, child development, developmental delays, behavioral problems, learning difficulties, food and nutrition, and emotional issues of children. However, trustworthy options to seek advice are limited for them.

Recent statistics reveal that a majority of parents feel unprepared when starting the parenting journey, with 80% of them feeling this way. Additionally, 72% of new moms feel a lack of support after giving birth.

Cuddle’s Solution to the Problem

To bridge this gap, Cuddle offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each parent. These services include prenatal care and nutrition, postpartum recovery, infant development, and more.

Cuddle transforms the parenting experience for expecting and new parents, offering them the guidance and support they need to navigate through the challenges of parenting with confidence and ease.

With Cuddle, parents no longer need to feel unprepared or isolated during their parenting journey. They now have a dependable and personalized support system that is only a message away.

  • Parents can effortlessly avail themselves of Cuddle’s services by using WhatsApp (+91 7907002454), enabling them to receive the assistance they require promptly.
  • To access Cuddle’s services for free, visit or send a ‘Hi’ to the WhatsApp number – +91 7907002454.

Speaking on the announcement, Jofin Joseph, CEO of Totto said,

Parents can ask questions and share their concerns with our AI. Our AI Assistant (we call her ‘Janani’) can understand the parent’s needs and provide personalized recommendations and insights tailored to each parent’s unique needs and circumstances.

Queries like how do I manage labour pain? , how do I know if I have postpartum depression? , I am confused about what to cook for my child today and I want a diet plan to help your body’s transformation after delivery! You can ask anything to Cuddle.

Beyond the AI, Cuddle also has real human mentors to help parents through the journey! We also have short video lessons from the best experts like gynecologists, pediatricians, lactation consultants, psychologists, relationship experts, and more. We have 150+ doctors and experts on our platform, committed to this Knowledge Revolution in Parenting.

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