PA Maxima has launched a Bluetooth calling smartwatch in India called the Maxima Max Pro Knight+. This comes after the launch of Max Pro Nitro smartwatch that was announced a week ago.
It has a stylish round-dial design with metallic body. The firm also gives leather strap options for buyers alongside silicon straps. It boasts a 1.39-inch HD display with peak brightness of 600 nits. The watch has Realtek chipset, Bluetooth calling, AI voice assistants, and built-in HD speaker and mic.
The smartwatch has 100+ workout modes as well as a smart health assistant that includes features like SpO2 monitoring, heart rate monitoring, period tracker and sleep tracking. Further, it has a slew of additional features such as social media notifications, drinking alerts, alarms, stopwatches, calculator and more. The Maxima Max Pro Knight+ is water-resistant to IP67 standards.
Maxima Max Pro Knight+ Specifications
- 1.39″ HD Round LCD screen, 600 nits peak brightness
- 150+ cloud based watch faces
- Bluetooth 5.0
- Bluetooth Calling, call logs, dial pad and call history
- Inbuilt Mic and Speaker
- 100+ Sports modes
- AI Voice Assistant support
- Health monitoring: Sleep, SpO2 and Heart rate tracking
- IP67 Water-Resistant
- Smart Notifications, Calculator, Calendar, Drinking Alert, Timer, Stopwatch, Find Phone, Alarm, Camera and Music Control
- Supported App: Maxima SmartFit
- Works with Android 5.0 / IOS 9.0 and above devices
- Dimensions: 46.5 x 46.5 X 10.7 mm, Weight: 46g
- Battery Life: Up to 5 Days without calling and up to 10 Days without Calling function
Pricing and availability
The Maxima Max Pro Knight+ comes in Space Black, Rose Gold Black, Silver Grey, Black Burgundy (leather strap), and Rose Gold Tan (leather strap) colors. It is already available on the Maxima website for Rs. 1999 for the silicon strap version, and the leather strap version costs Rs. 2,499.
Regarding the launch, Manjot Purewal, Maxima’s managing partner said,
Brand maxima is now synonymous with maximum features, maximum quality, and above all maximum trust. This brand’s increasing popularity is a reflection of our continued efforts to satisfy the target market with exceptional goods and services. Max Pro Knight+, our most recent creation, is a testament to the present generation’s drive and prowess in their various disciplines.