OnePlus launched the company’s flagship OnePlus 11 5G smartphone earlier this year in Eternal Green and Titan Black colour variants. Today, the company has confirmed the launch of new Marble Odyssey variant in the country. It also said that this will be a limited-edition smartphone.
This was launched in China as Jupiter Rock Edition in China in March. The phone has a “unique” back cover texture made of 3D microcrystalline rock. It is also wear-resistant and antibacterial.
It should also come in a unique box. OnePlus will reveal more details including the launch date and the price in the coming days.
Last week, OnePlus said that it recently shared the new model with select community members.
Regarding the new variant, the OnePlus said:
As OnePlus unveils the OnePlus 11 5G Marble Odyssey, the brand narrows the gap between art and technology, capturing the essence of individuality and setting a new standard for craftsmanship and innovation in the Indian smartphone market.
Enthusiasts and technology aficionados across India can look forward to owning a device that is as unique as their personality.