Nokia E6 vs E72 Photo Comparison

Nokia E6 is the successor of the Nokia E72 smartphone. E6 comes with a 2.46″ capacitive touch screen display and QWERTY keypad. Here we bring you some comparison shots of the Nokia E6 Vs Nokia E72.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Front View of the Nokia E6 and E72.

Back view of the E6 sporting 8MP EDoF cam with dual LED flash and E72 with 5MP AF cam with single LED flash.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Side View of Nokia E6

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Top view of  Nokia E6 with power button,3.5mm jack and MMC slot.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Right side view of Nokia E6 and E72 featuring volume keys and mute key.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Left side view of E6 and E72 displaying their USB ports covered in plastic.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Bottom view of E6 and E72 displaying the 2.0mm charger ports.

Nokia E6 Vs E72

Have you seen our Unboxing Video and Hardware overview of Nokia E6 ?