Lenovo has taken a significant stride in its commitment to India with the launch of its Shared Support Center in Bengaluru. This facility is equipped with a Network Operating Centre (NOC) and Security Operation Centre (SOC), is set to provide Remote Infrastructure Managed Services (RIM) to Lenovo’s customers worldwide.
Catering to Diverse Needs
The Shared Support Center offers an array of Remote Infrastructure Managed Services, covering servers, operating systems, virtualization, storage, network, data protection, database, middleware, security operations, and public cloud operations.
Customers have the flexibility to choose services tailored to their specific requirements, from individual hardware or software components to comprehensive packages encompassing all offerings. These services adhere to global standards and encompass managed IT infrastructure support and information security.
Growth and Creating Jobs
The new center is not only a boon for Lenovo’s global customers but also a significant contributor to India’s growth. With a planned multi-year investment, the facility is expected to create over 1,000 technical jobs in the coming years, reinforcing India’s status as a strategic hub for IT services and innovation.
Lenovo’s Expanding Presence in India
Lenovo’s commitment to India goes beyond the Shared Support Center. The company continues to invest in research and development capabilities while nurturing local talent. It has already established manufacturing and R&D hubs in India, with over five million devices produced in the country last year.
The manufacturing units cater to PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, while the development center focuses on cloud/software solutions. Additionally, Lenovo offers 24×7 services support to its customers.
Regarding the matter, Shailendra Katyal, Managing Director, Lenovo India said,
Our new Shared Support Center reflects Lenovo’s commitment to collaboration, harnessing India’s exceptional tech talent to support and serve global markets. This strategic infrastructure investment is poised to drive exponential growth, offering cutting-edge solutions and services while solidifying Lenovo position in India as a prominent global tech hub.
We take pride in contributing to the Nation’s progress and job creation, while also empowering businesses worldwide with advanced services and support capabilities.