Hulu Plus comes to Android

The Online TV site Hulu Plus has finally made it to Android. There are loads of people who love to watch TV on the go with their android devices, and with display of these devices ranging from 4.7” to 3.8”, it would be a real pleasure. So Hulu has finally decided to roll out Hulu Plus application for Android devices.

The app is available for free in the Android Market. The first roll out of the app supports only six devices, Nexus One, Nexus S, HTC Inspire 4G, Motorola Droid 2, Motorola Droid X and the Atrix. Support for other devices will be coming soon. Once the app is installed Hulu Plus subscribers will get to enjoy all the services on their android devices. Hulu Plus also offers the new subscribers one free week of its services.

If you have any of the six devices listed above then you can download from here


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