Motorola Triumph now available for pre-order at BestBuy

Virgin Mobile and Motorola recently announced the Motorola Triumph which is actually a high-end Motorola device for Virgin Mobile USA. On the announcement, Virgin Mobile didn’t tell us when they are actually launching it but recently an image was leaked which revealed it that they will be launching it on July 19. Well, still no words on when it’s officially coming out but now BestBuy is officially taking pre-orders for the Triumph and they are offering this device for $299 without contract and I think it’s a very good price for a device with some decent specs. But BestBuy is also hiding the release date and they added the Triumph in the “Coming Soon” list so you can expect it soon. Mostly retailers start taking the pre-orders 2 weeks before the official launch, so probably July 19 is the day when we will officially see this device.

So head-over to BestBuy and reserve your Motorola Triumph if you are impressed by it. So anyone looking forward to get one from BestBuy?


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