Sony has started teasing the launch of its next TWS earbuds in India on September 27th. The teaser says “What happens when #TheBestSilence drops by Sony?”, and the company says “Get ready to experience the ultimate audio revolution”.
This should be the Sony WF-1000XM5, which was introduced back in July, and has several improvements including a new and comfortable design, reducing the size and weight by approximately 25% compared to their predecessor, the WF-1000XM4.
This also has LDAC technology, real-time audio enhancement through Edge-AI, Head tracking that provides an immersive listening experience, up to 8 hours of battery life (16 hours with the charging case) and quick charging that promises 60 minutes of play in just 3 minutes. Additionally, the earbuds are water-resistant with an IPX4 rating.
We should know the price when the earbuds go official in India on September 27th.