The LG Optimus Black which we got our hands on at Mobile World Congress has been available in India for some time now and now we have official confirmation of the launch with LG calling it the World’s Brightest Smartphone. The device is priced at Rs.20990 MRP and is available for around Rs.19990 in the market. The specialty of the Optimus Black is the 4 inch NOVA IPS LCD Display. It was announced at CES in Las Vegas earlier this year.
Features include
- HSDPA 7.2Mbps / HSUPA 5.6Mbps
- OMAP 3630 (1Ghz Processor)
- 122 x 64 x 6 ~ 9.2 mm (109g)
- 4.0” WVGA IPS LCD Display
- 5M AF camera, World’s 1st 2MP front-facing camera
- Memory – 2GB eMMC / 512MB RAM
- Android 2.2 Froyo
- Wi-Fi /A-GPS – 802.11.b/g/n
- 1500mAh Battery
- Gesture UI, DLNA, Dolby Mobile, LG World
The phone also has WiFi direct which let’s you transfer files between compatible devices at very high speeds compared to Bluetooth
Take a look at the Gesture UI key in the Optimus Black