comes to the rescue of consumers in distress

Are you a frustrated customer because your service provider doesn’t provide any solution for your complaints? Customer Pain is here to help you. Senthil Nayagam, one of the frustrated customers has created a website that gathers tweets from twitter, to track the customers who are facing problems with their operators and solves their problems.

Say your operator activates some Value Added Service (VAS) pack without your approval that is deducting amount from your balance automatically, and there is no proper response from them even after calling or mailing them. All you need to do, is to tweet your problem, add #customerpain hash tag and mention @customerpain in that tweet. You can also mail them at with detailed description about the problem, and they will post it on their blog.

He spends some time every day to keep track of the hash tags of the brands, user ids and fail hash tags, which the customer uses to express their anger towards the operator. Most of the Indian telecom operators are now storming Twitter and Facebook saying that they would offer solution to customer’s problems and they are conscious about not losing their customers. But still there are lots of unsatisfied customers.

Customerpain is gaining twitter followers slowly but steadily and there are also lots of happy customers with their problems resolved. Are you one of the customers facing a problem with your operator? Did you try customerpain ? Let’s know about your experience.

Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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