We want Mugen Batteries for our Nokia N8!



We here at Fone Arena are big fans of Mugen Power Batteries, this uprising company from the east, providing us power-hungry geeks with more juice for all our favourite devices, most notably batteries for smartphones. Over at the Mugen Website you will be able to find extended batteries for all types of smartphones, most of them even having two options offered. Normally Mugen would have one OEM-sized version, and a bigger battery, with imense power (for example an insane 4.800mAh battery for the Motorola Atrix!). If you want to know more about the actual performance, check out Jon’s review from a couple of days ago, where he had a look at the Motorola Milestone 2 battery!

But amongst the great options of Mugen’s portfolio, one particular phone has always been left out: The Nokia N8! Nokia’s camera hammer still has not experienced any Mugen love, which just doesn’t feel right. We all know that Nokia and Symbian have a good power management, however, there’s always the desire for MOAR POWAR! Let’s be honest, 1.200mAh is not exactly a gianormous option, and even though the N8 gets you through a day, it would always be nice to get a bit of extra juice for long nights out!

So, we here from Fone Arena thought it would be a nice idea to get in touch with the great people from Mugen Power Batteries and request more juice for our Nokia N8’s! Mugen said they need at least 500 requests to look into developing, so the next logical step is: spreading the word! Therefore, I have decided to bring up a Twitition for you folks! Sign up there, spread the word, ReTweet, Share, shout in your brothers ear, do whatever you want to get this thing rolling!

http://twitition.com/xzla6 – We want Mugen Batteries for our Nokia N8!

Thank you friends!

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Author: Michael Hell

Michael Hell, certified geek, mobile jedi, amateur photographer, music addict. Down to earth and always up for new challenges. Also blogging on www.michaelxhell.com, which is my private blog for things like Photography and personal things :) Feel free to add me on http://twitter.com/michaelxhell or http://www.facebook.com/michaelxhell
