HTC planning to launch 6-8 new smartphones in Q3

HTC is one of the leading smartphone makers in the world and they are offering a lot of good Android devices as well as Windows Phone devices too. They recently launched new devices like HTC Sensation and HTC EVO 3D, and both are considered as their one of the best Android devices so far. HTC recently reported a record quarter by selling more than 12.1 million device in Q2, and it looks like HTC was very impressed by their record sales. Now HTC is expecting to ship more than 13.5 million device in Q3 and for that, they really need some new devices. HTC CEO Peter Chou announced that they are planning to launch 6-8 new devices in Q3, and these devices will be mid-range as well as high-end phones. Chou didn’t say anything about the operating systems, but it seems that they will be Android and WP7 powered. As Windows Phone 7.1 a.k.a Mango is coming at later this year, HTC will launch at least 3 new Mango devices, and we already know about Omega, Mazaa and Eternity. And about Android, we recently saw the HTC Bliss and HTC Ruby, so we already got 5 devices here and probably HTC will be releasing them soon.

So HTC fanboys, are you satisfied with your current HTC device or looking forward to something else?


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