OnePlus launched its OnePlus 12R smartphone and the OnePlus Buds 3 earbuds in India last month. The devices went on open sale in India starting today, February 6th with several launch offers.
The OnePlus 12 is priced at Rs. 39,999 for the 8GB + 128GB model and the 16GB + 256GB model costs Rs. 45,999. It is available from, OnePlus online store and OnePlus experience stores offline.
OnePlus Easy Upgrades
The program allows customers to own the OnePlus 12R Flagship by paying only the initial 65% of its price with 24 months of No-cost EMI. This program guarantees 35% Assured Value for the OnePlus 12R. You can also combine the offer with any available exchange offers and more for an even better offering.
Offers on the OnePlus 12R
- Customers can avail an instant bank discount of INR 1,000 with ICICI Bank Credit Card and OneCard
- Customers can also avail of a 6-month No-Cost EMI through leading banks
- Customers purchasing the OnePlus 12R will get a free trial of Google One for 6 months & YouTube Premium for 3 months. Find more details on
- Eager users can also get their hands on a OnePlus Buds Z2 worth INR 4,999 with the purchase of the OnePlus 12R. Limited period offer.
OnePlus Buds 3
The OnePlus Buds 3 is priced at Rs. 5499 and is available from, OnePlus online store and OnePlus Experience stores and select offline stores.
Offers on the OnePlus Buds 3
- Users can avail of an Instant Bank Discount of INR 1000 via purchase with ICICI Bank Credit Cards and OneCard
- RCC members can also avail an additional up to INR 800 off on the purchase of the OnePlus Buds 3