BenQ – Siemens Black Box

BenQ – Siemens have come up with a sleak handset which would define the future of mobile technology. The handset called Black Box is basically a huge screen – thats all. One huge screen which transforms to your needs. In simple words a touch screen which would sport the look of the function you would require to do.

The above pics show some of the available functions. 1) A calculator 2) FM radio (I like the iPod kinda tuner and volume control) 3) The normal cellphone 4) A game where you find a dolphin escaping a bath tub hole… or something to that effect. This design won the best design award in a Japanese Design contest. Its a pity that BenQ is bankrupt and they cant take this further. I hope Apple takes a cue and goes ahead with such designs. [Via Slashphone]

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