HTC Bliss with Sense UI 3.5 screenshots leaked

We have heard a lot about the HTC Bliss, a new device aimed at woman, we have no clear idea how the device, but we have some screenshots of this device which shows us that it is running HTC Sense UI. The sense UI used in this device looks a bit different from the one used in the latest devices like the Sensation and Evo 3D.

The lockscreen is similar to the one used in Sense 3.o but the homescreen looks very different, in the second screenshot, to the left we can see applications like the Browser, market, etc. These applications also look like widgets, I guess we have to just wait and watch what these widgets/apps work.

Also we can see that HTC is not using their usual bottom bar which has the app drawer, phone and preferences, instead we can see a small circular option to the left which launches the app drawer and another one to the right which opens the phone application. These screenshots sure look different and even though people are calling it Sense UI 3.5, I think that it is a tweaked Sense 3.0 UI specially for the ladies.

Image courtesy: @rushvora

Well all we can do is wait for HTC to confirm that they have been working on a new Sense UI and its functions, till then we will be trying to get a clear view of this new device by HTC which is designed for woman.



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