realme launched the realme 12x 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone in India earlier this week. After the early bird sale on April 2nd, the company has announced a special sale on April 5th from 12 to 2PM.
During the sale the phone get discounts of Rs. 500 on 6GB version, and bank offers worth Rs. 1000 on both the versions, on & Flipkart.
The first sale is scheduled for April 10th from 12 noon onwards.
To remind you, the phone has a 6.72-inch 120Hz FHD+ display with 950 nits peak brightness, has a 3D Jubilee Bracelet and Polished Sunburst design, boasting a slim profile of just 7.69mm. The phone has IP54 ratings for dust and splash resistance.
It is powered by the Dimensity 6100+ 6nm processor with a VC Cooling system, packs a50MP AI Camera, 2MP secondary camera, and an 8MP selfie camera, has a 5000mAh battery with 45W SUPERVOOC Charging, providing 50% power in just 30 minutes.
The company claims that the realme 12x 5G has become the Fastest-Selling 5G phone in the early bird sale on & Flipkart in 2024, based on realme data in the early bird sale on all online platforms in 2024, selling 300+ units each minute.