realme has launched its newest earbuds, the Buds T110, in India, as part of its budget-friendly lineup, fulfilling its promise. These earbuds come in a two-tone design and boast a 10mm Dynamic Bass driver and a peek+pu Composite Diaphragm for enhanced sound quality.
They support the AAC codec and feature AI ENC Noise Cancellation for clearer calls. One unique feature is the 102dB Volume Boost Mode, which increases the volume from 97dB to 102dB when the “Volume Enhancer” is activated.
Each earbud has a 40mAh battery, while the case holds a 460mAh battery, offering a total playback time of 38 hours. Additionally, they support fast charging, providing 120 minutes of playback with just 10 minutes of charging.
Gamers will appreciate the 88ms Super Low Latency Gaming mode, along with Bluetooth 5.4 and a powerful 2500IUC chip. The earbuds also come with touch controls and IPX5 water resistance.
Quick specifications: realme Buds T110
- Design: In-ear design, Two-tone Hit Color Design
- Driver: 10mm Dynamic Bass Driver with peek+pu Composite Diaphragm
- Bluetooth Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.4, supports AAC; 2500IUC chip
- Maximum Volume: 102dB±2
- EQ Modes: Bright, Balanced, Bass boost+
- Total Playback: Up to 38 hours with case (Volume Enhancer OFF)
- Battery Capacity: 40mAh per earbud, 460mAh for charging case; Fast Charge: 10 minutes charge for 120 minutes playback
- AI ENC Noise Cancellation for Calls
- Super Low Latency Gaming Mode: 88ms latency (not supported on iOS)
- realme Link App: Customized touch functions, firmware updates
- Water Resistance: IPX5 waterproof
- Other features: Touch Controls, Audible pairing notifications
- Dimensions: Earbuds: 32.64mm x 21.28mm x 20.75mm; Case: 61.16mm x 48.29mm x 28.16mm
- Earbud Weight: 4.09g; Charging Case Weight: 33.68g
- Colors: Country Green, Punk Black, Jazz Blue
Pricing and availability
The realme Buds T110 are priced at Rs. 1,499 and are available in Country Green, Jazz Blue, and Punk Black colors.
The first sale begins on April 19th at 12 PM on and, with an introductory price of Rs. 1,299.
In response to the launch, a realme spokesperson remarked,
We are thrilled to introduce the realme Pad 2, Wi-Fi variant, and the realme T110 buds alongside the new P Series. We are confident that these smartphones and AIOT products will strengthen our reputation as a brand known for innovation and trendsetting smartphones. With the launch of the new P Series this year, we aim to reach the milestone of 50M sales on Flipkart.