JioCinema launched its Premium plan, priced at Rs. 999 per year last year. Later it launched Rs. 99 per month plans, but it was removed recently. Both the plans showed ads on all content, including live and downloaded content.
Today, the company has launched ad-free subscription plans starting from Rs. 29 per month (at 51% discount). There is also a family plan at Rs. 89 (40% off) with the same one-month validity for up to 4 devices.
JioCinema plans
- Premium Plan at Rs. 29 per month: Ad Free monthly plan (Except Sports & Live), Watch Premium content on a single device, Any one device at a time | Up to 4k quality*
- Family Plan at Rs. 89 per month: Enjoy all Premium Plan benefits on up to 4 devices Up to 4k quality
New subscriptions for the Best of Hollywood Plan have been discontinued. Existing Best of Hollywood Plan recurring subscriptions are upgraded to Family Plan benefits, said the company.
Regional content, Sports including IPL is still free as part of JioCinema’s ad-supported model. You can check out more details on JioCinema website.