Nokia N8 strikes again – amazing Timelapse Video from Austria

We all know about the Nokia N8’s amazing camera capabilities, right? It may not be the most user-friendly device (well, at least not until Symbian Belle comes out), but the superb build quality and the main aspect of the Nokia N8, the camera, have always spoken for it! Those two aspects are also the reason why i always carry one with me. I always try and find a place somewhere in my bag, just to have it with me, be it as backup device on a long day or as my camera for quick snapshots!

You see, there’s quite some love in the air for the Nokia N8, and apparently it is the same with a user called Sascha, who I found via the Nokia Austria Facebook page. Equipped with Camera Pro, Sascha has created a Timelapse Video, that I like so much, I just had to share it! Camera Pro, written in Qt by another fellow austrian, enables the user to access and use a more professional side of the Nokia N8 camera, like an 11x digital zoom, RAW jpg, video recording with 30fps and REAL video autofocus! Another feature of Camera Pro is a Timelapse function, which Sascha used to produce a whooping 1.552 pictures, and merge it all together to make one awesome video of it. Without further adue, enjoy the video!

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Author: Michael Hell

Michael Hell, certified geek, mobile jedi, amateur photographer, music addict. Down to earth and always up for new challenges. Also blogging on, which is my private blog for things like Photography and personal things :) Feel free to add me on or