Nuance to acquire Swype

Sources with knowledge of the deal report that Nuance , the company behind technologies like the ubiquitous T9 input , has acquired Seattle based Swype. Swype is  one of the most innovative text entry solutions to have appeared in the past few years facilitating text entry speeds capable of competing with hardware keyboards on touchscreen only devices.

The company is yet to issue a press release to confirm the deal but sources indicate that Nuance acquired Swype for over $ 100 million. Swype already has an install base of over 100 million devices and was founded by Cliff Kushler who was also the person behind T9 input. Swype allows users to input to enter text by sliding (swyping) their finger across the screen instead of tapping on the screen.

[Via – Uncrunched]

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Author: Dhruv Bhutani

Your friendly neighborhood techie. Currently using a Pixel 2 XL. Catch him on Twitter (@DhruvBhutani) / Facebook .