Native Screen Capture comes to Android, finally!

Screenshot – an image of a your current phone display that can be saved as a graphics file, a feature many rooted, Sense 3.0 and Galaxy series users take for granted. This feature is fun, not only a tool for sharing (and boasting), but also pivotal for reviewing apps and pointing out errors.

As one can only wonder why Google took so long to get the ball rolling on this one, but it is ultimately implementing native screen capture in the shortly to be heralded Ice Cream Sandwich. Just yesterday before the launch the guys at AndroidPolice excavated some code, informing that it would just take a simple press of both the volume down + power button and VOILA!  This feature was later confirmed at the Google – Samsung event where ICSand Galaxy Nexus were showcased.

It just got so much smoother for you to post your pimped-out screens for your iPhone friends to drool over.

One feature down, lots more to go…. Are there any features you want Google to include in their next update, if yes then let us know in the comment section. All I desire is to Google to take it up another notch and add native video (with sound) capture. That would be EPIC!

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