Bluetooth 6.0 unveiled with advanced channel sounding and more

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has announced the release of Bluetooth Core Specification version 6.0. This update introduces several new features and improvements aimed at enhancing the capabilities of Bluetooth technology.

Key Features and Enhancements: Bluetooth 6.0

Bluetooth Channel Sounding

Bluetooth Core Specification version 6.0 introduces Bluetooth Channel Sounding, which offers precise distance measurement between Bluetooth devices. This feature benefits various applications, such as:

  • Find My Solutions: Enhances the accuracy and speed of locating lost items through improved distance awareness.
  • Digital Key Solutions: Adds security by ensuring that access is granted only when an authorized device is within a specific range.
Decision-Based Advertising Filtering

This feature improves the efficiency of Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Extended Advertising by allowing devices to filter and scan for relevant packets more effectively. It reduces unnecessary scanning and optimizes throughput and reliability for connectionless data transfers.

Monitoring Advertisers

The new monitoring advertisers feature enables Bluetooth LE controllers to track the presence of devices more accurately. It uses Host Controller Interface (HCI) events to notify the host when a device moves in or out of range, helping to prevent wasted energy during scanning.

ISOAL Enhancement

The Isochronous Adaptation Layer (ISOAL) now includes a new framing mode that reduces latency and improves reliability for audio applications. This update ensures more efficient data transmission, which is particularly beneficial for use cases requiring low latency.

LL Extended Feature Set

The updated LL extended feature set allows devices to exchange information about supported link-layer features. This enhancement supports a wider range of features, accommodating the increasing complexity of Bluetooth LE devices.

Frame Space Update

The frame spacing in connections and connected isochronous streams (CIS) is now negotiable in Bluetooth Core Specification version 6.0. The previously fixed value of 150 µs can now be adjusted, allowing for more flexible data transmission rates.

Benefits of Bluetooth 6.0
  • Accuracy: Bluetooth Channel Sounding provides centimeter-level distance measurement, enhancing application performance and user experience.
  • Security: The feature includes multi-layer security with additional protection against sophisticated attacks.
  • Ubiquity: As Bluetooth technology is widespread in consumer devices, this update allows developers to integrate distance awareness without extra hardware.

While Bluetooth 6.0 offers significant improvements for item tracking, it does not address higher data rates or lossless audio enhancements. However, it sets the stage for future developments in these areas. The update is expected to lead to new, innovative products and applications once compatible devices become available.

Speaking about the launch, Neville Meijers, CEO of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, said,

Bluetooth technology has become an essential part of everyday life. With the addition of true distance awareness, connected devices unlock a new range of possibilities. This enhancement reflects the ongoing dedication of the Bluetooth SIG community to improve how we connect with our devices, each other, and the world around us.

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