Sony Ericsson teams up with Umbro to create a real life football game

Football fans always seems to know best, or at least that’s what I feel whenever I find myself in a company of one. And I am sure there are a couple of football fans here. Well, don’t you ever wished you could control your own real life footballers? Sony Ericsson and Umbro thought they could. They teamed up together to create a live football game called the Kasabian Football Gaming Live.

Check out the video below where Tom from the pop band Kasabian and England striker Darren Bent battles it out via their very own footballer minions, from the comfort of their Sony Ericsson Xperia Play phones. I can only imagine a certain rich Russian oligarchs in London will be hoping to equip this on his team next.


jonchoo: A keen mobiler for more than a decade. I am passionated about music, photography, video games, fellwalking, technology and social. I blog occasionally at, though I mainly tweet about insane stuff at -> You can also email me on my Gmail account at jthchoo
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