Web page for Droid 4 leaked

Word is that the DROID 4 from Motorola will come to Verizon by 22nd December (as it has now mustered the FCC); optimistically, Santa knows what I want. As confirmation that Verizon is preparing to unleash the Motorola Droid 4, this screenshot is from the DridDoes.com web page with a link to the Droid 4, on the Droid 3 web page. We may even see this slide-out QWERTY 4G LTE baby foregoing the Galaxy Nexus, and this wouldn’t astonish me at all. Ultimately, this would be an element of the Droid 4 web page.

I love the first Droid from Motorola and I have a special feeling towards slide out QWERTY keyboard devices and I hope Motorola has got it right this time because the successor of the original Droid; the Droid 2 and Droid 3 have not done quite well in the market as there were better devices in the market for a better price also Motorola is not well known for it’s after purchase services and updation. Hope they have sorted out this issue and I really hope that it comes with ICS so that we don’t have to wait for the Android 4.0 update like the Droid RAZr early adopters.

Source: Droid-life

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