Amazon India has announced the Great Republic Day Sale 2025, one of the biggest sales on the e-commerce platform each year. It begins on January 13th at 12 PM and, as usual, will start early, at 12 AM on January 13th, for Prime members.
The sale will bring up to 80% off on products across different categories including smartphones, smart TVs, home appliances, fashion, and more. There will also be new launches across different categories from top brands including OnePlus, Xiaomi, and more.
Offers across various categories are mentioned below. Certain deals on some categories will be revealed in the upcoming days.
- Up to 40% off on mobiles and accessories
- Up to 65% off on smart TVs and projectors
- Up to 40% off on laptops
- Up to 60% off on tablets
- Up to 75% off on headphones and TWS
- Up to 80% off on smartwatches
- Home, kitchen, and outdoor items starting at just Rs. 49
- Up to 80% off on fashion and beauty products
- Daily needs starting at just Rs. 149
- Up to 65% off on home appliances
- Amazon devices starting at just Rs. 2599
Bank Offers
For the Great Republic Day Sale 2025, Amazon has partnered with SBI Card, offering up to 10% instant discount on SBI Credit Card and EMI transactions.
Alongside the card discount, there will also be special coupons on certain products and attractive exchange offers.