Amazon has launched its new Echo Spot in India, as the successor to its 2017 model, which was launched in India in 2018. The new model has a new design, that now resembles the look of the Echo Pop. Unlike the 2017 version, videocalling and smart home cameras are not available.
Display Features and User Interaction
The Echo Spot incorporates a 2.83-inch touch-screen display that provides visual information to accompany Alexa’s responses. For example, weather inquiries will display the temperature along with an illustrative icon. The device offers eight clock face designs and six color themes for display—orange, violet, magenta, lime, teal, and blue—allowing for a degree of user customization.
Users can set alarms through voice commands, specifying music or choosing from four new alarm sounds: Aurora, Daybreak, Endeavor, and Flutter. Snoozing can be activated by voice command or by tapping the device.
Audio Capabilities
The Echo Spot includes a 1.73-inch front-firing speaker. Users can stream music, podcasts, and audiobooks from services such as Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, and JioSaavn (subscriptions may be required). The display shows the title of the currently playing song. Song skipping and volume adjustment can be controlled through voice commands or by using the physical buttons on the device.
Smart Home Integration
The Echo Spot can connect to compatible smart home devices and can be used to set up Alexa Routines. These routines allow users to automate a sequence of actions with a single voice command.
For instance, a user could create a morning routine that gradually brightens smart lights and begins playing music. An evening routine could dim lights and turn on a television. Routines can be configured through the Alexa app. Ultrasound Motion Detection allows for routines that trigger based on a user’s presence in a room.
Communication Features
The device supports audio calls to other Alexa-enabled devices. It also includes an announcement feature for broadcasting messages to other Echo devices in the household, as well as a Drop In feature for audio connections with other devices.
Privacy Considerations
The Echo Spot is equipped with a microphone on/off button. Users have the ability to view and delete their voice recordings.
Pricing and Availability
The Echo Spot is available now in Black and Blue on, Blinkit, and online and offline stores of Croma. Priced at Rs. 8,999, it’s currently available for a limited-time introductory offer of Rs. 6,449.