LG has announced the Optimus 4X HD, successor of the LG Optimus 2x, the that was launched last year. It has 4.7-inch True HD IPS display and is powered by 1.5GHz Quad-core Tegra 3 processor. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). It has 8MP auto focus camera with LED Flash support, 1.3MP secondary camera and is 8.9mm thick . The 1.5GHz Quad-core Tegra 3 processor offers better HD video playback, multi-tasking and would consumes less power which while performing simple tasks such as phone calls, music playback etc.
LG Optimus 4X Specifications
- 4.7-inch (1280 X 720 pixels) True HD IPS display
- 1.5GHz NVIDIA Tegra 3 Quad-core processor
- Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
- 16GB internal memory, 1GB LP DDR2 RAM
- 8MP auto focus camera with LED Flash support, 1.3MP secondary camera
- 3G, Wi-Fi with DLNA , Bluetooth, aGPS, HDMI via MHL, NFC
- 2,150 mAh battery