Nokia N97 Now Shipping Straight from the Factory – Video Inside

The Nokia N97 is shipping worldwide this month according to a post on Nokia Conversations Blog.Looks like this will be the final box for this flagship handset . The Video shows you a sneak peek of the assembly line of its manufacturing  facility in Salo, Finland.

An excerpt from their post

“The big news today is that the Nokia N97 is on the move, on the way to shops in 75 countries. It’s really exciting news and, as we usually do, we wanted to capture it on video. Carita, from the Nokia Conversations team, was invited to the Nokia factory in Salo, in southwest Finland, where she was able to watch the Nokia N97 be assembled.

In the video (see below), you can follow Carita’s progress as she follows the Nokia N97 from the assembly table, through packaging, to crating, inspection, batch testing, and onto pallets on the truck.”

Here is the video , don’t forget to turn on the speakers for some cool background music .

Aren’t you excited about the N97 ?


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