Nokia has finally launched that Asha 303 in India. Nokia announced the Series 40 device at the Nokia World 2011 last year. It also comes with 1GB of free Vodafone 3G/2G data per month for 4 months. The Asha 303 is powered by a 1 GHz processor and has 3G capability. It has 2.6-inch (320 x 240 pixels) capacitive touch display and has a portrait QWERTY keyboard. It has 3.2MP Full Focus camera with video recording at 15 fps and has 170MB internal memory with 32GB expandable memory.
It is 13.9 mm thick and weighs 99g and comes with DRM-free Nokia Music Unlimited service that lets you listen to over 40 lakh songs and share it with anyone.
Other features include 3G, HSPA Quadband, WiFi 802.11b/g/n , Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR, Stereo FM Radio with RDS and MP3 music player. It comes with built-in apps such as Facebook, Shazam and has other social networking apps. It comes with 1300 mAh battery that offers up to 7.2h talk time and 731h standby.
The Nokia Asha 303 comes in Red and Graphite colours and is priced at an MRP of Rs 8,899. You can get the phone for as low as Rs. 7,764 from online retailer LetsBuy that has one for pre-order that is expected to ship by last week of March.
[Update: Nokia Asha 303 is now available from Flipkart for Rs. 7,765 ]