Apple just announced that it has sold 3 million iPads since its launch on Friday , March 16th. The new iPad features a new Retina Display alongside an improved A5x chip with quadcore graphics. LTE capabilities are also included in this 3rd generation model.
“The new iPad is a blockbuster with three million sold―the strongest iPad launch yet,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Customers are loving the incredible new features of iPad, including the stunning Retina display, and we can’t wait to get it into the hands of even more customers around the world this Friday.”
The new iPad is currently available in the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Switzerland, UK with 24 more countries being added to the list starting March 23rd. You can check out our unboxing and photo gallery of the new iPad here.
[ Via – Apple ]