Sony Xperia’s TV Ad is Made of Tiny Robots

When it comes to ads, Sony has always pushed the limit of creativeness. Who here remember their famous Bravia ads, like Playdoh and Paint? With the release of their next Xperia NXT devices, Sony Mobile is relying on a massive advertising campaign to promote the brand. The new TV campaign is directed by Wes Anderson of Fantastic Mr. Fox fame. It tells the story of little Androids who work tirelessly inside an Xperia smartphone, all based on the imagination of a little kid. How sweet is that? The TV ad is supposed to premier on the evening of Saturday 24 March but it seems that someone at Sony has jumped the gun. Jump over to view the stop motion animated ad in all its glory.


Source, via Engadget

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Author: jonchoo

A keen mobiler for more than a decade. I am passionated about music, photography, video games, fellwalking, technology and social. I blog occasionally at, though I mainly tweet about insane stuff at -> You can also email me on my Gmail account at jthchoo