Google selling Galaxy Nexus with new factory image on Play Store

Google has started selling the Galaxy Nexus on Google Play from this week just for $399.99, six week after its debut. This new device comes with Google wallet and a $10 credit by default. Another interesting factor is that the system image on this Galaxy Nexus is not the usual “Yakju” build, instead it’s the “Takju” image which has been used.

It’s not very difficult to flash the Yakju build on this new Galaxy Nexus version if you don’t care about Google Wallet, though there are not many changes to this device other than the system image. You can also flash the Takju build which is easily flashable if you want to give Google Wallet a try, but I am sure it won’t work in many countries because Google does not support them.

You can check out and download the factory images from here.

Source: Android Community

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