Zync has launched the Zync Z-999 plus Android tablet in India followed by the Zync Z-990 plus that was launched last month. This tablet has has 7-inch (800 x 480 pixels) TFT capacitive touch screen display and has a 3G data connectivity and voice calling through an on-board SIM card slot. It has 1.5 GHz single-core ARM Cortex 8 processor, 0.3 MP video calling camera, 2MP rear-facing camera and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). It is just 8mm thick and weighs 340 grams.
It comes with pre-loaded apps such as movie player, iBibo, BBC news and Whatsapp Messegner. Other features include, 512MB RAM, 8GB internal memory, expandable up to 32 GB with microSD.
The connectivity features include, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11n, HDMI port , Micro USB port, 3.5 mm audio jack and microphone. It has Muli-format (MP4/MPEG/ MP3/WAV/WMA ) media player, Document editor, Image editor, Flash support and comes with 4200 mAh battery. It also has keyboard support that is available for purchase separately.
The Zync Z-999 plus tablet is priced at Rs. 11,990 and is available in 22 states across India and also through various e-commerce websites such as Flipkart, Snapdeal, HomeShop18, Indiatimes, and Infibeam.