We grabbed some pics of the Nokia N86 8MP at the launch event in India yesterday. The phone fits really well in the hand and the build quality is really good. There was no wobbling even though the phone has a 2 way slider mechanism. The keypad is really nice with large keys. The home screen had a new clock but could not figure out what exactly it was.The design is very similar to the N85 but its not glossy but a matte finish. Here is the monster 8 MP Camera with Carl Zeiss optics on the back.
It has a nice shutter and the keystand is also present around the camera. A nice metallic is present around the corners of the device and even in the menu key.
The OLED display – awesomeness !
Keypad with separated keys and backlight
The power button is on the top , the 3.5 audio jack sits in the center , microUSB port is on the right and N86 supports USB charging too.
The Music keys on the left are nice to use and the uppermost and lowermost keys function as camera zoom in /out keys too.
Camera key and volume keys on the right
The bottom
At the event there some photos taken by the the N86 Camera on display.
Here is the photo gallery for your viewing pleasure.
are you impressed by the pics ?