HTC Desire VC that was announced along with the Desire V in June is now available in India from online retailer Saholic in India. It is a Dual SIM smartphone with Dual Active feature, and supports CDMA and GSM networks on each SIM cards. The specs are similar to the Desire V including, 4-inch (480 x 800 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, 1GHZ single-core processor. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with HTC Sense 4.0 UI. It is 9.42 mm thick and weighs 118 g.
It has 5MP auto focus camera with LED flash and has Beats audio support. Other features include, 512 MB RAM, 4GB internal memory, expandable memory up to 32GB with microSD. The connectivity features include, GPRS on one SIM and 3G 3.1 Mbps EVDO Rev.A on the other, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, micro-USB, GPS / AGPS, 3.5 mm audio jack. It has 1650 mAh battery.
The HTC Desire VC Dual SIM smartphone is now available from Saholic for Rs. 20950.