Nokia 5800 v31.0.0.15 Firmware Update Coming soon

Good News for all the Nokia 5800 users, A new firmware update (v is in the offing.

Recently, Nokia Conversations released their “Nokia Ovi Suite 2.0 Introduction” video on Youtube.  But if you watch the video attentively, at the 0:57 second of the video, you can clearly see that the Firmware version of the Nokia 5800 is showing as v.31.0.015.  And also Steve Litchfield of All About Symbian has also quoted in one of their articles that v31 firmware was the stable release inside Nokia a couple of weeks ago and he suspects it will appear in public this week.

Here is the snapshot of the video where the phone is being updated to v31.0.0.15 of the firmware.

Now I am seriously anticipating the new changes, this firmware update can bring along.

A new homescreen (viz Nokia 5530),
Or A Widgetized Homescreen (viz Nokia N97),
Kinetic Scrolling etc

What changes do you expect in the new firmware update? Do pass on your comments.

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik