CyanogenMod rolls out M-Series, monthly taste of stable CM for super users

It’s very difficult for less adventurous Android users to get around stable versions of CM from time to time, the adventurous kind are usually happy with the nightlies. So then others have to look out for third party unofficial builds of CyanogenMod ROMs which are unreliable and can give problems. So the awesome guys at CyanogenMod have come out with M-Series, where they release a somewhat stable version of CM  for everyone to use as a daily driver.

The following devices are the first ones to get M-Series, with CM 10 – M1:

  • Galaxy Nexus GSM (maguro)
  • Galaxy Nexus VZW (toro)
  • Galaxy Nexus Sprint (toroplus)
  • Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G (i9100g)
  • Galaxy S (galaxysmtd)
  • Galaxy S B (galaxysbmtd)
  • Captivate (captivatemtd)
  • Galaxy S3 Sprint (d2spr)
  • Galaxy S3 VZW (d2vzw)
  • Galaxy S3 AT&T (d2att)
  • Galaxy S3 TMO (d2tmo)
  • Galaxy S3 US Cellular (d2usc)
  • Nexus S (crespo)
  • Nexus S 4G (crespo4g)
  • Galaxy Note AT&T (quincyatt)
  • Google Nexus 7 (grouper)
  • Sony Xperia Acro S (hikari)
  • Sony Xperia S (nozomi)

These M series will be available under Experimental tab and will be stable enough to be used without any major bugs. For all the adventurous types, CyanogenMod nightlies will still be available for downloading.

You can download the ROMs from here.

Source: CyanogenMod

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