Call me crazy but I still have my 1st iPhone which I got in 2007 and guess what ? it still works. As we are expecting the next iPhone later today, we decided to bring all the iPhones to the FoneArena labs for a little geeky celebration and sit back and think how the iPhone has evolved over the years.We put together this lttile video while killing time counting-down for the iPhone 5 or what ever Apple decides to call it.
While most of Apple’s competitors launch tens of phones every year, Apple has still stuck to it’s one iPhone per year strategy.
While Android devices have grabbed a huge chunk of market share in recent times , Apple still continues to make the most profits in the mobile device market. A lot of information about the upcoming iPhone has been showing up on the internet over the last several weeks pointing towards a taller iPhone and a new design. Will the iPhone 5 feature a revolutionary design and jaw dropping specs or a disappointing upgrade ? We should be finding out later today.