Asus India today confirmed at the PadFone and Transformer Pad launch event that the Google Nexus 7 is expected to launch in India in November according from reports for CIOL. It might come with a different name and few changes in the specification says Ausus, the hardware partner. Google announced the Nexus 7, their first Android tablet to come with Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) in June at Google I/O for $199. There are rumors floating around for the Nexus 7 tablet with 3G support which is expected mid-October.
It has 7-inch (1280×800 pixels) IPS display and is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 processor and a 12 core GPU. It has a 1.2MP front-facing camera and has 1 GB RAM, 8 / 16GB of internal memory, NFC, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth and a 4325 mAh battery.
The price of the Nexus tablet would be announced in October.
Source: CIOL