Sony Xperia SL is now available from online retailers Flipkart and Infibeam in India. It appeared on Sony Website last month and looks similar to the Sony Xperia S but it powered by a faster 1.7 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S3 processor and comes with Android 4.0 out of the box.
Other features are similar to the Sony Xperia S including a 4.3 inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine, 12MP camera with LED flash, 1.3MP front-facing camera, 3.5 mm audio jack and FM radio with RDS. The connectivity features include WiFi, DLNA NFC, 3G, Bluetooth with A2DP,and GPS / aGPS. It has 1 GB RAM, 27.8GB internal memory (up to 25.8GB user-accessible memory). It has a 1700 mAh battery.
The Sony Xperia SL comes in White, Black and Silver colors and are available from Flipkart and Infibeam in India.