Samsung is gearing up to launch the upgraded version of the immensely popular Galaxy Note – Galaxy Note 2 in India later this week. Samsung had opened pre-bookings for the device and consumers could reserve a Galaxy Note 2 by paying Rs.5000 as an advance.In an email to customers who had pre-booked the phone on the company’s eStore , it is mentioned that the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 will be launched on the 27th on the eStore.The Note 2 has some interesting specs including a 5.5 inch display and a 3100 mAh battery and a Quad-core CPU.
It will be the first Samsung device to launch with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean officially in India.The news of the Note 2 launching here is not surprising considering the original Note has got a price cut recently. Pricing of the Note 2 is still not available but we expect it to be priced very similar to the Galaxy S3. It would be interesting to see how Samsung prices the Note 2 in India.
India is one of the first countries getting the Galaxy Note 2 and the company is dominating the smartphone market here with a wide range of Android phones at every price point.
The company is holding an event in Hyderabad on the same day and I should be reporting from the event with all the details and tons of photos and videos.
Are you getting the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ?